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Kuroyume - Kuro to Kage


Kuro to Kage is a solid release from Kuroyume. Zero sets the tone for the album with a bass-driven instrumental. The punk-rock vibe that Kuroyume cultivated back in 1996 is in full swing with this release. Long-time fans of the band will enjoy the album as will some newer fans. Kiyoharu's english pronunciation has certainly improved over the years. It's easy to catch yourself jamming along with this album. 


Rating: 5/5

Recommended tracks: I hate your popstar life; Guernica; Kingdom; Solitude


Dir en grey - Sustain the Untruth


Sustain the Untruth begins in typical Dir en grey fashion. The band is in fine form for this release, but I've grown a bit tired of screeches and growls. Ruten no Tou (Acoustic Ver.) is refreshing after the opening track. Acoustic tracks may not be normal for Dir en grey, but it's nice to hear more from them than metal stylings and growling vocals. Although, Kyo does manage to sneak his growls and screeches into even the acoustic track.


Rating: 2.5/5

Recommended tracks: Ruten no Tou (Acoustic Ver)


B'z - 有頂天


B'z rarely disappoints. This single, while not their best, contains all of their signature sounds. Inaba Koshi's unique vocals are strong even if he doesn't venture into his highest range. Matsumoto Tak's guitar playing is exceptional as usual. The duo always bring kickass rock with an effortless flair.


Rating: 4/5

Recommended tracks: 有頂天; Endless Summer

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